The centre of Ussuriysk is the area of the intersection of Nekrasov - October - Pushkin and Lenin. In this square is located the Office of the city administration and the city's Central square. But before the city center was the district, Kalinina street, which housed a shopping arcade and the building trade house "Kunst and Albers", the first Bank. In 1937, at the Institute Rosgiproles developing the scheme of the General plan of the city, which was reviewed and approved by the regional and territorial Executive committees of Soviets of people's deputies. In this scheme it was proposed to create a new cultural and administrative center of the city. It was located on the street Nekrasov, which was treated as the main street of the city.
For new companies was allotted the territory located toward the South on the way Ussuriysk - Vladivostok over the river Suputinsky to the North - West at Novo - Nikolsky highway and the floodplain of the river Rakovka to the North of the railway junction. The greatest development was the South industrial node. There was the construction of a sugar factory and houses for workers, began the formation of a residential area on the hill Hanina.
Gorky. Bore the name of major - General I. G. Baranov, who was the military Governor of the Maritime region in 1881 - 1888 years.
Plekhanov. Sochi was named in honor of the Governor General of the Amur territory in the years 1884-1893 Baron A. N. Korff. In 1903, on the street Korfovskiy (Plekhanov, 31) houses the city vocational school. After 1922 the building was occupied by the military editorial office of the newspaper "Stalin's banner", then housed the military Prosecutor's office. From 1957 to 1988 is the dormitory of the agricultural Institute. Currently, there are soil reclamation station, and a dormitory for small families Primorskaya agricultural Academy.