Stereotypes about tourists from all over the world and their exposure

Stereotypes about tourists from all over the world and their exposure When a person is incomprehensible, he begins to hang labels. Thus, stereotypes arise. And most often it concerns representatives of other nationalities who are guests in a foreign country. So on the behavior of one or a group of tourists are judged on the habits of an entire nation. Sometimes such stereotypes are very funny and sometimes offensive.

Today, stereotypes have developed about tourists from almost every country in the world, but are they true? Most of these errors ignore the basic principle that a nationality as a whole cannot be judged by its specific representatives. But in the end it turns out the following: one incident is enough for an entire nation to get a certain characteristic.

Which nationalities are more likely than others to be under the pressure of stereotypes and how true is it?

1. German tourists often complain.

The whole world knows German pedantry and discipline, even to rest they take seriously. For example, if the room does not have everything that is stated in the catalog, most likely they will be required to compensate.

How is it really? According to statistics, Germans spend much more on vacation than any other nation. No wonder that for their money they want quality service and in this they are absolutely right.

2. Americans don't put local culture in anything.

Numerous polls show that American tourists are among the worst in the world. They do not try to delve into local customs and traditions and do everything in their own way.

How is it really? Oddly enough, stereotypes about Americans are true. They are justified only by a very short vacation in comparison with europeans, so they have a limited time and they are not up to national characteristics.

3. Japanese tourists in all plans are impeccable.

The Japanese quite deservedly have a reputation as the most careful and polite travelers. They never complain, do not raise their voices, do not violate laws and customs.

How is it really? Everything they say about the Japanese is absolutely true. Since it is customary to travel in this country after retirement, their pensioners are ideal tourists.

4. The Chinese do what and where they want.

In the news you can often observe incidents with Chinese tourists: they cope with the need in public places, then take away archaeological exhibits for souvenirs, then throw a coin "luck" into the engine of the plane. Therefore, the Chinese Politburo has issued a special law that obliges all tourists to behave decently abroad.

How is it really? Until a few decades ago, ordinary Chinese could not afford a vacation abroad. Today the situation has changed dramatically. Every year there are fewer incidents involving this nationality, and guests behave more decently.

5. Russian tourists are not smiling and they do not care about other people's opinion.

Half of Russians consider their compatriots to be the worst tourists in the world. But for some reason it is Russian people more often than others interested in foreign cultures and treat them with respect, but drunken brawls - not uncommon.

How is it really? Many foreigners who have encountered the Russians, say that at first glance they are very harsh, they are not the kind of people who immediately open up to strangers. But if he befriends the Russians, it is difficult to find a comrade.

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