Los Cristianos is one of the most popular resort cities in the Canary Islands of Tenerife. It is located in the southern part of the island, protected from strong winds and cold by a mountain range. Therefore, sunny weather reigns here most of the year, and the abundance of attractions, cultural and entertainment facilities will definitely not let even the sophisticated traveler get bored.
Los Cristianos is 18 km from Sofia Airport and 78 km from the island capital of Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Nearby is the famous resort Los Américas. But in reality, all these distinctions can only be seen on the map. These resorts have long been a single complex.
Los Cristianos is a quieter resort than Las Americas. Mostly people of retirement age and families with small children come here.
The city can be divided into western and eastern parts. The first contains examples of ancient architecture that adorn the narrow streets. In the eastern part there are tourist infrastructure facilities - the largest hotels, apartments, entertainment. The streets in this part of the resort are landscaped and there are a lot of cars on the roads.
Warm weather in Los Cristianos reigns all year round, so tourists can be seen in any season. Although the beaches and streets are a bit empty during the winter months. The average air temperature in winter is kept in the region of 20-23 degrees. In summer, thermometers reach 27 degrees. During the winter months, the ocean keeps temperatures up to 19 degrees, and in the summer it manages to warm up to 23.
Although the air temperature does not change much here, the peak months for holidays in Los Cristianos are July-September. During this period, the resort exposes the maximum price tags, and attractions always have a large number of tourists.
Speaking about the attractions of the resort, it is worth mentioning the complex of the extinct volcano Montaña de Guas
Breathtaking views open from its top.
Another famous Mount Chayofita rises above the border of Los Cristianos and Las Americas. There are two more peaks nearby - Yellow and Red, so trekking lovers will always have something to do, in addition to a beach holiday.
In the center of the town there is the old church of Nuestra Senhora del Carmen. It was built in the 16th century and has distinctive features against the background of other city buildings.
There are theme parks near the resort - Orlov, Monkey, Camel. You can also visit other locations located in neighboring resorts.