How to deceive tourists in different parts of the world and how not to get on the tricks of scammers

How to deceive tourists in different parts of the world and how not to get on the tricks of scammers In places where a large crowd of tourists regularly gathers, you can see growth dolls made in the form of favorite characters of movies and cartoons. Usually the victims of such crooks are family vacationers with children. The hero approaches his parents, offers to get a smartphone and take some photos with their child. After that, for each photo begin to extort money. If the cost of work was not announced in advance, do not give in to provocations, it is better to just leave.

Buying products in foreign stores, do not lose vigilance. You should always check checks and a list of purchased goods. When cashiers see a foreign tourist in front of them, they can punch through unnecessary names or more expensive stamps in the hope of inattention and ignorance of the language.

On the streets of Rome and Paris often meet young guys with flowers in their hands. Usually these people choose single girls, give them flowers and begin to hang noodles on their ears. While the victim is passionate about new acquaintances, they quickly clean the contents of the pockets, while doing so with such dexterity and stealth that the loss will be discovered when the rogue has long been in the other end of the city. Another option of deceiving tourists - the guy just gives a flower and then begins to extort money for him with threats to go to the police. Do not believe it, you just need to get away from the scammer, not paying attention to him.

One of the most popular and common places where tourists are cleaned is taxis. For example, in Turkey, where Russians are often found, unscrupulous drivers successfully use the features of local money. Turkish liras of different denominations are almost no different. After calculating, many passages simply put the change in their pocket, not paying attention to the fact that they were given a sum much less than the amount put. That's why you should always count the money.

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