On the river Seret, which flows in the Western
Ukrainethat is an old
the city of Ternopilstriking in its grandeur, fine architecture and a huge number of cultural values. In the lands where today is hosted Ternopil, according to findings from archaeological excavations, people lived in the X century BC Until the mid-twentieth century, the city was called Tarnopol. In the history and lore of Ternopil there are two main theories about the origin of the name of the city. In the first version – the city was named in honor of its founder – magnate Jan Tarnowski, who in 1540 had erected on these lands a powerful fortress, and led the settlement. In the other variation says that once the land where the town was founded, was densely overgrown with thorn tree, and the new city received the name from the Polish language means "field of Thorns". If You come to Ternopil for a tour – I suggest You in the first place, to see the amazing temple architecture of the city. In Ternopil, as in most Western Ukrainian cities, is dominated by people with the Catholic religion. The patroness of the city is Saint Thekla, a statue with the image which is in the Dominican Church –
ChurchThe immaculate conception, which is one of the main attractions of the city, along with the Old castle. This is the Central temple of Ternopil-Zaborovskaya of the diocese, elegant building which was built in the late XVIII century in the Baroque style under the project of August Moshenskogo. Another unique Church is the Church of the Nativity, located in the city centre. Here is kept the famous miraculous icon of Ternopil Holy mother of God. Interesting examples of architecture are Roman-Catholic Church of divine mercy and the Greek-Catholic Church of the Apostle Peter, served by Franciscan friars. Despite the fact that during the second world war, Ternopil was almost completely destroyed, there remain a small number of historic buildings, among them the famous Ternopil castle, which actually begins in Ternopil urban planning and development. Of course, these days the appearance of the castle is completely different from that stronghold, which was erected by the founder of Ternopil, as in the NINETEENTH century, the castle was radically rebuilt the Palace, in the style of Russian classicism by the then owner of the city. One of the main attractions of the city is Ternopil lake, artificially created in the years of the founding of the city, where today you can ride a pleasure boat. Here at the pond is frequently visited area of nature Park "topil'che", where there is a small reserve with the inhabitants of the West-Ukrainian forest – deer and pheasants.