Webcam Polyarnye Zori in real time shows a view of the street. Lomonosov 13.
The second camera is installed on the other side of the apartment building, so it mainly captures green spaces.
The small town of Polyarnye Zori, whose webcams are available on the site, is located in the Murmansk region.
It is the northernmost city in which there is no polar night. This city appeared on the map of the region during the construction of the Kola NPP in 1964. This determined its direction. From the day of its foundation to the present, it has been an industrial center firmly associated with nuclear energy.
The city-forming enterprise, of course, is the Kola nuclear power plant. Its construction started in 1969, and already in the summer of 1973 it was put into operation. This is the first nuclear power plant in the world, which was built beyond the Arctic Circle. Electricity is transmitted in five directions, including Polyarnye Zori, Apatity, Monchegorsk, and the Nevsky HPP cascade.
Real-time webcams allow you to see urban landscapes.
Previously, the option of building power lines to the northern part of Finland, Sweden and Norway was considered.
The Kola NPP consists of 4 power units. Thermal power is 5500 MW. The nuclear power plants were built one by one on the same project with the Finnish nuclear power plant Loviisa, which is the cleanest nuclear power plant in Europe. In the early 1990s, reconstruction began, which continued until 2005. Thanks to this, the equipment was brought into line with the new nuclear safety requirements. It was also possible to extend the service life by 15 years.
In 2019, the operating life of the power units was extended again. Now it can operate until 2034. Thus, it became the first and only nuclear power plant, which implemented the program of re-extension of operating life.
Now the Kola NPP is generating excess capacity due to the fact that in the Murmansk region and Karelia there was a decline in consumption after the restructuring. At the same time, the presence of a reserve makes it possible to provide reliable power supply not only to the city of Polyarnye Zori, but to the region as a whole, even during severe frosts, which here reach -45°С. Live webcams broadcast picturesque views.
Now the nuclear power plant is a branch of the Rosenergoatom division, which is part of the state corporation Rosatom. The nuclear power plant is included in the list of the largest taxpayers in the Murmansk region. Every year, the enterprise replenishes the regional budget by about 2 billion rubles.