Live webcams broadcast the playground on the alley along Partizan Zapolyarya Street.
The lens captures a modern public space. The elements of the playground are made of wood. You can watch what is happening in real time.
Polyarnye Zori webcams provide an opportunity to see the quiet life of a small northern town in real time.
It appeared due to the construction of the Kola NPP. Initially, it was just a working settlement for builders. Over time, it began to develop and eventually received the status of a city. There are not many attractions here, but there is one place that you must definitely visit - the Lapland State Biosphere Reserve.
There have always been many natural resources on the Kola Peninsula, especially for the animal world.
Deer, fur-bearing animals, fish - were the main sources of life for local residents. Because of these actions in the XVIII century. this property of the northern region began to disappear. For example, beavers and arctic foxes have practically disappeared. The situation became worse during the construction of the railway, due to which there were frequent fires. In addition, logging was carried out in these places in the 1920s, which also did not contribute to the preservation of the unique nature. At the same time, in the same years, hundreds of scientific expeditions of various directions work in the Arctic: geological and mineralogical, anthropological and ethnographic, scientific and commercial. Professor Kruger, director of the Khibiny experimental field I. Eichfeld and a number of other scientists proposed to create a reserve.
The initiative was supported by local authorities. Already by 1930, wild reindeer were counted on the territory of the future reserve and a description of the vegetation was made. Based on these data, on January 17, 1930, the Lapland Reserve was founded. Its first director was the scientist Herman Kreps. Live webcams Polyarnye Zori are available on the site.
The main goal of creating the reserve is to preserve the wild deer population and the nature of the North. At that time, its area was about 1600 square meters. km. In the autumn of 1930, the first employees were hired, among whom was Oleg Semenov-Tyan-Shansky. Today, the territory of the reserve is spread over 278,435 hectares, which makes it one of the largest in Northern Europe. Most of it is occupied by forests, while here you can see the real tundra, rocks, swamps. In 1930, there were about 100 wild reindeer here, but now there are about 1000 animals. The number is slowly growing and this is largely due to the creation of the reserve.
Polar Zori webcams provide an opportunity to enjoy picturesque views in real time.