The largest
Croatianthe city is the capital
Zagreb. This ancient settlement is surrounded by numerous legends. One of them is the name of the city appeared in a time when the leader of the glorious Croatian troops during a halt, stuck in the ground his sword and it scored a miraculous source of water, to give force to the soldiers. Really – in the outskirts of Zagreb there are sources of curative mineral water. However, there is a scientific hypothesis, according to which the name "Zagreb" is derived from drevnekeltskogo word that is translated as "mound" or "fortress". It is known that in the past century, the territory of Zagreb was surrounded by a powerful stone fortification, from which to have survived only a couple of fragments. Since Zagreb has occurred from the merger of two separate settlements – the historic part of the city is divided into two parts. Upper Zagreb is famous for the abundance of various ancient buildings and monuments, while the Bottom has more modern buildings, however, there is an impressive variety of entertainment, shopping and cultural venues. Among the attractions of Zagreb, the most prominent are the Gothic Church of SV. Mark XV century, the Baroque Church of SV. Catherine and the Bishop's Palace, and, of course, a huge number of various museums, theatres, the main of which – a masterpiece of architecture of the Croatian national theatre and art galleries, exhibiting works of classical and contemporary art. Zagreb's most famous Museum is the Museum "Mimara", in whose collection contains about 4000 works of art from different eras, starting from ancient times. Among the main cultural and educational institutions, you can also add a Gallery of old masters, the Museum of people's revolution and the modern art Gallery of the Yugoslav Academy. Besides the fact that the city is a unique cultural heart of Croatia, Zagreb is also considered perfectly developed production centre, education, sports and economy. Here You will find a large number of luxurious hotels and apartments, entertainment centres, shopping complexes and boutiques, as well as gorgeous colourful markets, charming restaurants under the open sky, lush mnogoletnie parks, and scenic paved pedestrian streets. In addition, in Zagreb, as in any capital city, a large number of festivals, various trade and industrial exhibitions, business conferences and other special events.