Majestic and mysterious
Vladivostokfor his relatively short existence,has become not only the Gateway of the Far East, but also a major port, transportation hub, cultural and economic center of Primorye and the whole of our vast country. The city is situated amidst amazing natural beauties: rivers and lakes, forests and rocky shores, sandy beaches and mountains, Islands and bays, with diverse flora and fauna. The richness of the natural world of the far East region of the United tells the Primorsky Museum of local Lore them. V. K. Arsentiev. Collected here are rich collections of fossil remains of animals, sea creatures, birds, plants, household items of different epochs, beautiful handicraft items – pottery, jewelry, clothing tribal inhabitants living on these lands before the arrival of the Russian Empire, weapons, documents, photographs, books, old musical instruments, sculptures and paintings. The city also operates the house Museum of Vladimir Arsentiev, the great Russian traveler, geographer, ethnographer and researcher of the far East. Another interesting place where representatives of the animal world, this time – the underwater Kingdom, is the Vladivostok Oceanarium "Akvamir". Where in the total area of 1500 m2, a huge collection of live and dry items – creatures of the Pacific ocean, tropical seas, freshwater bodies of the far Eastern region, the Amazon and Africa. To join the beautiful You will always be able to numerous cultural institutions of Vladivostok. It is a Regional drama theatre. A. M. Gorky Primorsky regional drama theatre of youth, Puppet theatre, Primorsky Krai. A. S. Pushkin regional Philharmonic, the Pacific Symphony orchestra, the State picture gallery, Vladivostok state circus, the modern art Gallery "ARKA", as well as the Museum of modern art, owned by FESTU, which contains an excellent collection of works of far East artists and foreign authors from the countries of Eurasia and
America. At the far Eastern state University also has a Botanical Museum, a Fund that includes more than 100,000 copies of the flora, and the Zoological Museum, in whose collection houses more than 40,000 units – fauna
New Zealand, Africa and South-East Asia.