Young, but stunning in its modern appearance,
Vladivostokthat amazingly combines the seemingly opposite qualities. Industrial facilities and wonderful, pristine nature, high-tech engineering design and elegance of the ancient buildings, the strength of the Navy and the cosy romance of embankments, noise trading ports and tranquility of Park paths, the diversity of entertainment and the wisdom of the museums and scientific institutions, and finally the geographical position of the Asian and Russian, European culture. The fate of Vladivostok, from the very beginning of its history, firmly connected with the sea. After all, the city of his early years existed as a port. But because of military-political instability in the far East, Vladivostok soon acquired the image of a powerful sea fortress, a territory which stretches for hundreds of kilometers, in the mountains, on the coast, in forests, on Islands and even under the ground. Of course, in our day, this fortification has long been a Museum, but so far, worldwide, it is difficult to find his equal in power. And so, the stored fortified walls, the city of Vladivostok continues its rapid development. Nowadays, here is located the largest commercial and industrial enterprises of the region, the most important cultural and scientific institutions, important transport nodes. Coming to Vladivostok, be sure to start exploring this city, visit the local history Museum. V. K. Arsentiev, whose collection has more than 400 000 exhibits of history, culture, art, Ethnography, archeology and local history. Further, we recommend you to visit the state art gallery, houses the great masterpieces of Russian and foreign art. The story of the development of Vladivostok as a naval fortifications, and also the development of the Russian fleet in the far East and the greatest exploits of our countrymen, will tell the Military-historical Museum of the Pacific fleet. Interesting displays that will delight not only adults but also the young travelers become the Vladivostok Museum-aquarium "Akvamir" where the living and prepared the inhabitants of the underwater Kingdom is not only far Eastern waters, but also tropical waters. Places of spiritual cleansing in the city are the picturesque Catholic Church of the blessed virgin Mary, built in the XX century after the Revolution, and also the Orthodox Cathedral in the name of Saint Nicholas of Myra the Wonderworker. And, of course, be sure to stroll through "the Vladivostok Arbat" – street Admirala Fokina, where he survived a magnificent pre-revolutionary construction.