The webcam broadcasts entertainment complex RIO in the city of Berdyansk, located in the Park named after Lieutenant Schmidt - the largest Park in the center of Berdyansk. Previously, he was a lot more and was a green oasis in the city centre.
Berdyansk, Ukraine
Web camera in real-time translates the Lutheran street in the center of the city Berdyansk, Ukraine. Broadcast from the building of Berdyansk of the Registrar.
Berdyansk, Ukraine
Webcam real-time broadcasts - the Centre of administrative services (of tspau) in Berdiansk Ukraine. Center of providing administrative services is the way to a European level of service in the sphere of providing administrative services under the system of "single window"
Berdyansk, Ukraine
Web camera online from the Seaside area in the city of Berdyansk. The seaside area is a favorite family vacation spot for many citizens and tourists coming to Berdyansk.
Berdyansk, Ukraine
Web camera in real-time broadcasts beach resorts Brigantine in the city of Berdyansk. Recreation Brigantine is located in the resort area of Berdyansk spit, Central part of it. This is ecologically clean area of the Azov coast are well maintained and very clean.
Berdyansk, Ukraine
Web camera in real-time translates the walk of Fame in the city of Berdyansk. Berdyansk is a small resort town located on the Northern coast of the Azov sea between two sand spits Berdyansk and Obitochnaya that form Berdyansk Gulf.
Berdyansk, Ukraine
Web camera in real-time broadcasts of Primorskaya square in the city Berdyansk. Berdyansk, a resort town can offer its guests not only sea and beaches, but a well-developed infrastructure of entertainment.
Berdyansk, Ukraine
Web camera in real-time broadcast centre Department of work and social protection in the town of Berdyansk, located on the street of the Defenders of Ukraine, 27.
Berdyansk, Ukraine
Web camera in real time shows the Park of Pushkin in the city of Berdyansk. Park of A. S. Pushkin, now occupying a small area of 0.44 hectares in the heart of the old town, has a triangular shape and is limited Azov Avenue, streets of the Lutheran and Schmidt.
Berdyansk, Ukraine
Web camera in real time shows the Park named after Lieutenant Schmidt in the town of Berdyansk Ukraine. The place where now is a Park Schmidt, with the first half of the XIX century Berganza called the customs area, because located next to the customs post.
Berdyansk, Ukraine
Web camera online broadcasts Bus station in the city of Berdyansk. Berdyansk is one of the most famous and popular resort cities on the Azov sea coast. Every year for vacations of more than 600 thousand tourists from Ukraine and abroad.
Berdyansk, Ukraine
Webcam in real time translates the Center of providing administrative services (of tspau) in Berdiansk Ukraine. Berdyansk is the capital of the Azov sea resorts and southern sea gate of Zaporizhzhya region, tourist life which boils in the summer and won't freeze even in the cold season.
Berdyansk, Ukraine
Webcam overlooking the beach of base of rest "arcade" in Berdyansk. The review covers the line of the shore, equipped with sun loungers and parasols, as well as a fragment of the sea surface. The complex has a swimming pool and sauna, sports and children's playgrounds, a gym, Bicycle hire and a video-game arcade.
Berdyansk, Ukraine
The camera is at the base of rest "arcade" in Berdyansk. Overview covers pool around his body and extensive parkland, which overlooks the sea. The Guesthouse has a very good infrastructure and 8 buildings with rooms of different categories. For vacationers offers a wide range of services on improvement and rest.
Berdyansk, Ukraine
Seaside square – a popular place for residents and visitors of Berdyansk for leisure and recreation. The view from the webcam on the Seaside area covers the town's waterfront of Berdyansk is a huge amusement Park, itself Primorsky Boulevard with bronze sculptures and wooden benches seaport, and houses and buildings of the cultural institutions and hotels.
Berdyansk, Ukraine