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The City Of Zaporozhyehas extremely picturesque surroundings and is able to interest even the avid travelers with its unique attractions. The main attraction of the city, the wealth of the whole country –historical and cultural Museum "Zaporizhian Sich", located on the largest island on the Dnieper river – the island of Khortytsia. Old wooden fortification, with battlements, a Church, various outbuildings, surrounded by a unique landscape – the perfect place for excursions, photo shoots and unity with nature, but also history and culture of our ancestors. In the walls of the fortress is a Historical Museum devoted to the Ukrainian Cossacks. On the territory of the national reserve Khortytsya, there are many towns in which the lives of several thousand people. In the village of Upper Khortytsya grows centuries-old oak Zaporozhye, shrouded in legends and stories, and included in the list of national treesUkraine. Circumference of its trunk is more than 6 m. the Diameter of its crown was once more than 60 m, however, unfortunately, in our days, this ancient tree is already shrunken. Now it is supported by means of metal fasteners. Rumor has it that it was here that the glorious Zaporozhye Cossacks wrote their famous letter to the Turkish Sultan. Amazing energy and mystery have a few places on the island. For example, the ancient pagan sanctuary and memorial-tourist complex "Scythian camp", a group of mounds. From here guests can contemplate the views of another popular attraction of the Zaporizhzhia Dnieper – the first hydroelectric power plant on the territory of the former Soviet Union, who miraculously survived during the second world war, thanks to the efforts of soldiers and sappers. Among other fascinating museums in the city, it should be noted local history and Art museums, the Museum of history of weapon, exhibiting a private collection and a Museum of vintage cars. All who are interested in the development of Cossack fleet is an interesting excursion to the Museum of the Dnieper flotilla "the Seagull." Special attention deserves the Zaporozhye children's railway, where the young know-it-alls will tell about the different specialties related to the railroad and ride a large copy of the present composition. Arriving in Zaporozhye with children – you can also visit the state circus. A great place where you can relax and enjoy the dramatic art, is Musical-drama theatre. The unique atmosphere of an old Cossack culture is waiting for you in the Folklore-ethnographic equestrian theater, where the cherished traditions of the Zaporozhye Cossacks, in particular of the Hortitsky regiment "Black Cossacks".
Tags: Ukraine Zaporozhye
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The webcam will broadcast a view of the village Voenstroya, the city of Zaporozhye. Near the village is one of the main traffic arteries of the city, Startovaya street. A military town is located at the Western outskirts of Zaporizhia, and Donetsk not far from here runs the highway on which is located the airport and the cargo railway station.
Zaporozhye, Ukraine 23.01.16
The webcam will broadcast a view of the village Voenstroya
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The webcam is located in the village of Lukasheve, located on the left Bank of the river Tomakivka, Zaporozhye region, Ukraine. The village stands near several of the dams made in the largest drying out of the river and is the administrative centre consisting of 3 settlements. Overview covers vehicular traffic along the road H-08, near the junction with Central street and a bus stop.
Zaporozhye, Ukraine 23.01.16
Lukasheve web camera online, Avtodor N-08
726 0
Webcam with view on the Central beach of Zaporozhye, Ukraine. Here is a great, clean beach, plenty of recreational areas, catering establishments. Is ideal for the evening promenade promenade. On the beach often hosts a variety of sporting and entertainment events.
Zaporozhye, Ukraine 23.01.16
Coastal highway, Zhdanov beach web camera online
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Webcam shows a street view Fortress (the former Gryaznova), in the place of its intersection with Cathedral Avenue in the city of Zaporozhye. At the crossroads has a large number of catering establishments, shops, Bank branches, and the Regional center of folk medicine. Nearby is a cinema and a large shopping centre.
Zaporozhye, Ukraine 23.01.16
Web camera on Gryaznova street. Zaporozhye online
868 0
Stream is the square of Zaporozhye (up to 2016 – Lenin square) in the same city. This is the Central square of Zaporozhye. Here, the rotatably mounted web camera which alternately displays a view of the square and adjacent square, highway interchange, the prospect Sobornaya (Lenina), residential buildings and office buildings.
Zaporozhye, Ukraine 29.09.15
Lenin Square. Panoramic webcam. Zaporozhye online
1730 0
The webcam will broadcast a view of the Square. A. S. Puskina in Zaporozhye, Ukraine. Overview covers vehicular traffic on Cathedral Avenue and the square with the monument to the poet. Near the square is the building of a city registry office, several banks, shopping centers, and great square.
Zaporozhye, Ukraine 29.09.15
Pushkin square, Lenin Ave. Zaporozhye webcam online
1704 0
The camera is located at the Transport area, located on Lenin Avenue, in the city of Zaporozhye. Transport area brings together several Central streets of the city, through which run a large number of tram and road transport.
Zaporozhye, Ukraine 19.10.14
Prospekt Lenina, Cargo area Zaporozhye
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The camera is located at the intersection of ulitsa Lenina and ulitsa Lermontova near shopping center Ukraine. In Kiev there are many interesting places that are of historical and cultural significance.
Zaporozhye, Ukraine 19.10.14
TTS Ukraine, Lenina - St. Lermontov
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The camera is located on the Central beach of Zaporozhye. Often beach called Zhdanovskaya, the cause of Zhdanov Avenue, which ends in the beach area. In summer the beach hosts various sporting events, and just going vacationers.
Zaporozhye, Ukraine 19.10.14
Zaporizhia. Central beach web Cam online
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The camera takes a monument to security officers and Marines located at Prospekt Lenina in Zaporizhia. The monument commemorates the soldiers who gave their lives while performing the task behind enemy lines in 1942. On the monument there are also the names of the owners of those events.
Zaporozhye, Ukraine 19.10.14
The monument to security officers and paratroopers Zaporozhye webcam online
418 0
The camera captures the intersection of Lenin Avenue and the streets in the Ukrainian city of Zaporozhye. The city has its long history. Previously here was the center of Cossacks. Many historical objects in the city are monuments of past history.
Zaporozhye, Ukraine 19.10.14
The intersection of Lenin Avenue and the streets of the Ukrainian
855 0
The camera is located on Lenin Avenue and Metallurgists in the city of Zaporozhye. Lenin Avenue is the main artery in the city. Several times the street was renamed and reconstructed, the length of the Avenue is 10.8 km.
Zaporozhye, Ukraine 19.10.14
The intersection of Lenin Avenue and Metallurgists
818 0
The camera is located on Festival square in Zaporozhye. Festival square was formerly the October, today you can still hear this name among the inhabitants of the city. The square is a fountain, which is accompanied by music and lighting.
Zaporozhye, Ukraine 19.10.14
Zaporizhia Square festival web camera online
723 0
The camera takes square Poles, located on Lenin Avenue in Zaporozhye. The square Pole was founded in 2000 during the reconstruction, named in honor of the town's mayor and established a reconstruction. Young people today like to relax in this place.
Zaporozhye, Ukraine 19.10.14
Square Pole, Prospekt Lenina Zaporozhye webcam online
516 0
The camera is located on Mayakovsky square, between main Avenue and Mayakovsky. The square is decorated with various architectural masterpieces that touches the soul of any person. This set of sculptures is the Fountain of Life.
Zaporozhye, Ukraine 17.10.14
Mayakovsky square, the Fountain of Life Zaporozhye webcam online
641 0
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Stavanger, a town in the commune of Norway, located in the South-Western part of the country, on the Peninsula, rich in minerals. Tanager combines the influence of foreign organisations such as NATO and oil companies. The camera will shoot the harbour and the promenade of the city.
Stavanger, Norway
The Harbour Of Stavanger. Web camera online
Sultanahmet or Blue mosque is a work of art of Turkish-Islamic architecture. Its construction began in 1609, the construction work took seven years to a 19-year-old Sultan. The name of the mosque was, due to its interesting and unique finish.
Istanbul, Turkey
Sultan Ahmet Camii in Istanbul (Sultanahmet) web camera online
A webcam broadcasts the district of Tosmur - quiet location in the Eastern part of Alanya, located only five kilometres from the city centre. Its rural way of life and the beauty of untouched nature attract tourists.
Alanya, Turkey
TOSMUR. Webcam Alanya online
Shark Island or in English of Shark island, located in the harbour city of Sydney, the suburb of Point Piper. The locals, the natives named the island Boambilly, which translated means Shark island. After all, this name is not casual, because it's mean and looks like a shark fin.
Sydney, Australia
Shark Island Sydney web camera online
The webcam is installed on site Alva. Tsaghkadzor ski resort town in Armenia. Tsaghkadzor is a beautiful mountainous area among deciduous forests, with a pleasant winter climate, and clean fresh air. The highest point is 1800 meters. The truss type is a classic, divided into three.
Tsakhkadzor, Armenia
Tsaghkadzor. Ski descent
Cronulla Point is a great suburb of Sydney, famous for its beaches and service. There are plenty of interesting activities, one of which is surfing. Due to the large waves coming from the Pacific ocean, this place lures people to ride on the Board.
Sydney, Australia
Cronulla Point. Sydney web camera online