Webcam Bangkok online – the major cities of Thailand
Ambitious and unique, brought to You the main city of Siam in the "the webcam Bangkok online." He's noisy, vibrant life, full of contrasts, like any other cities of Asia. This is the Central street with skyscrapers, and swerve into prolosec or go down to the "longam" - you will see ancient buildings and old houses where ordinary people live in Bangkok. On the roads and highways intersected ground pedestrian crossings, race motorcycles and cars, on the sidewalks cook and sell Asian cuisine, juicy, mouth-watering, delicious fruit. The channels of the Chao Phraya river rapidly carried by barges and boats, skiffs and barges, there are even floating markets, shops, restaurants. Get away from the bustle of the city to the Grand Palace of Thai monarchs, visit the temples and temple complexes, and in the soul there will be peace and quiet. Consummate skill by Thai craftsmen we admire in art galleries and national Museum, and the main advantage of Bangkok, city of Angels, right in the streets. After all, this is his good-natured people with a smile on his face that, despite the difficulties of life, able to remember about the soul and remain human beings.