Panorama Of Kerch. Circular panoramic webcam on mount Mithridates in Kerch, overlooking the entire city and the Crimean bridge.
The city of Kerch, one of the ancient cities of the Crimean Peninsula, with its monuments belong to different eras and cultures. The camera shoots Lenin street is the main street near the main square. Earlier this street was called the post road to Simferopol.
All of the cars that you most likely now see the picture with this camera, heading through the checkpoint to the ferry.
Webcam with view on the square in front of the House of culture "Shipbuilders" from the sports Palace "Sudostroitel"
Kerch is located in the Eastern part of the Crimean Peninsula near the Strait. Kerch is one of the oldest cities in the world. There are a lot of ancient monuments. Anyone who has been in Kerch agree that the city has a unique beauty of ancient architecture.
To know history worth a visit Kerch historical and archaeological Museum, and tours of the ancient Greek cities of Panticapaeum, Nymphaeum, Melek - Chesmensky and Tsar burial mounds,crypt of Demeter ,which survived until our days. Webcam Kerch on Lenin square.
Kerch is one of the ancient cities founded in VIIвеке BC by Miletian Greeks. At a distance of 900 years the city of Kerch was the capital of the powerful Bosporan Kingdom. In the city houses many valuable historical monuments belonging to different epochs.
Kerch is located in the Eastern part of the Crimean Peninsula on the Gulf coast. Kerch has a large value for the Crimeans, because it is considered a city –hero during the great Patriotic war, bravely defending their land. The camera shoots Lenin street,
Kerch, as one of the Crimean cities. The city of Kerch is a perfect reflection of the ancient era, where once lived the kings, leaving for us a town where today there are only ideas about their existence and culture. The city always has something to say to the traveler, being away from the ancient city.
One of the oldest cities in the world located on the Crimean East coast. Kerch has always been and is the pride of the Crimean people , because it is believed city of heroes defending their land during the great Patriotic war. In ancient times there lived different civilizations and cultures. Webcam opposite the vast Central market of Kerch.
Kerch is one of the oldest cities, which according to some age-compare with Rome. On the territory of the modern city are preserved in different age monuments are barrows, fortresses, buildings and more, which attracts tourists. The camera takes the neighborhood of Geroevskoe.
Kerch is one of the oldest cities in the world. Today its territory covers various monuments of architecture and art, as well as many historical buildings and places, for example this might involve the embankment of Kerch, which at this moment takes our webcam.
Kerch is very clean and beautiful city is one of the best in the Crimea. With a beautiful promenade and monuments. The camera captures the drama theatre. Pushkin in the main square and partially covering the mount Mithridates.