Russiathis city is a major oil center, and has a great economic and cultural significance. Here also is the main railway junction, connecting Western Siberia. The origin of the city dates from 1594, the Russian Tsar Fyodor Ioanovich, issued a decree on the construction of a new city. According to legend, the builders of the city were three men, hunter, merchant, and Governor. Monuments, which can be seen in the salon the city centre. Surgut's infrastructure in a matter of minutes, you can get to the desired point of the city. For leisure and entertainment, there are many interesting places such as Museum, and entertainment venues. Previously, the city took people to refer to, in particular they were prisoners of war and political criminals. During the great Patriotic war, the city served as support for the white forces, leaving provisions, ammunition and soldiers. In addition to entertainment, not working, the residents love to relax at the local ski resort. Ski resort Stone Cape is a fascinating place to spend your weekend or vacation. Resort stony point was founded in 2001, during this time, the level of service has grown a lot, I can confirm the visiting tourists. In a Stone Cape, organized different types of snow trails where anyone can choose according to their soul.