San Francisco,
USAthe city is located in the Western part of the country on the Pacific ocean. San Francisco today is the habitat of the world Corporation in the field of Internet business and innovative technologies. How is the USA is the Golden vein of America. After all, large corporations have changed our world in which we live today, and it's Microsoft, Google, Apple, and many others. However, taking into account the history of the city, it is also very attractive. San Francisco was founded in 1776, the city experienced a gold rush in the mid-nineteenth century, and by the end suffered greatly from the earthquake and fire. After the Second world war, the military leaving Europe settled in the city, which contributed to the development of the city. In 60 years, the city has been rekindled chipova revolution, which was mainly led by young people, the children of war. The Golden Gate bridge that takes web camera, laid over a Strait, connecting San Francisco and Marin County. At the time of the opening of the bridge, the Golden Gate was the longest bridge in the world until 1964. The long bridge is around 2737 meters and the height of one of the support 227 meters above the water is 67 m. the Bridge is also the site of a suicide, usually every two weeks, on the bridge people commit suicide.