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Free web camera Arkhangelsk online. Video Russian cities

The city of Arkhangelsk is a crossroads of Russian and European culture. His diverse history is embodied in architectural ensembles and culture. On its streets one can see nearby wooden houses and a Lutheran stone temple. A wide variety of attractions will be difficult to cover in 1 day. The webcams of Arkhangelsk will allow you to get acquainted with this multi-faceted city, being hundreds of kilometers away. Chumbarov-Luchinsky Avenue, ancient and modern monuments, noble mansions and picturesque manors, a spacious embankment, ancient temples and a huge number of museums - all this will open to the beholder. Lovers of antiquity should see Gostiny Dvor, where active trade was conducted in the XVII century. The amazing St. Anthony-Siya Monastery and the Assumption Church will hold in the history of the development of Orthodoxy in the XVI-XVIII centuries. And the Lutheran Church will remind you of the times when in the seaport of Arkhangelsk they allowed foreigners to live and trade. Those who adore high art will surely remember a trip to the Museum of Art Development in the Arctic, the Museum of Fine Arts and the City Literary Museum. If you want to know how the merchants of the XIX century lived, you should visit the Marfin House. Of course, the webcams of Arkhangelsk will not be able to convey all the greatness of these buildings and values ​​that are stored in their walls, but to get an idea of ​​where you can go on arrival in this amazing city is quite real. For those whose imagination is excited by films about historical battles, excursions to Novodvinsk fortress are organized. The monuments of the city will tell about the outstanding personalities, rulers, people of art and science. Among the recent monuments of great interest is the “Monument to the Seal”, which has become a symbol of the suffering that the World War II brought to civilians. By the way, among the webcams of Arkhangelsk, you can find one that broadcasts a view of this sculptural composition. The fact that Arkhangelsk is inextricably linked with the sea will tell the Northern Maritime Museum. And in the museum of Malye Korely, which is located in a picturesque suburb, one can get acquainted with samples of wooden architecture of the northern part of our country. Even if there is no opportunity to go there, Arkhangelsk webcams will get acquainted with these masterpieces closer. One of the most interesting facts about the city that makes it related to the Northern Capital of our country (besides the great emperor) is the white nights. Arkhangelsk webcam will help you to see this unique spectacle with your own eyes.
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The webcam lens of Arkhangelsk is aimed at one of the halls of the beach sports center of the Bora Bora complex. The object is located on Karpogorskaya street, 18 and is a sports and entertainment center, a sports club. What is happening on the sports ground, which imitates a real sandy beach, can be observed in real time.
Arkhangelsk, Russia 22.12.22
Center for beach sports in Bora Bora. Webcams Arkhangelsk
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The Arkhangelsk webcam is broadcasting from the Bora Bora sports club. In real time, you can watch what is happening in one of the gyms of the complex, which is equipped in such a way that it completely imitates a sandy beach. Anyone can see the training or competition from anywhere in the country and the world.
Arkhangelsk, Russia 19.12.22
Center for beach sports in Bora Bora. Camera 2. Arkhangelsk webcams
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Webcam at the city administration of Arkhangelsk. The lens captures the view of the administrative building from Petrovsky Park. Near this place is the Drama Theater. Lomonosov, several other administrative buildings and departments. The broadcast is in real time.
Arkhangelsk, Russia 05.12.22
City Administration. Webcams Arkhangelsk
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Camera with a view of the Red Pier in Arkhangelsk. The lens covers a spacious pedestrian area, a small recreation area. In the background you can see the pier, auxiliary buildings. The broadcast is in real time.
Arkhangelsk, Russia 10.11.22
Red pier. Webcams Arkhangelsk
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The Arkhangelsk webcam broadcasts online a view of the Peace Square. The Victory Monument with the Eternal Flame, a spacious platform, falls into the lens. Not far from here is a seal monument. In the foreground, you can see the parking of electric scooters.
Arkhangelsk, Russia 07.11.22
Peace Square. Webcams Arkhangelsk
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The camera broadcasts a view of Maysky Park, located on Galushina Street in Arkhangelsk. The lens covers a picturesque alley with birches and benches. Broadcasting in real time and in HD quality will help you relax from everyday hustle and bustle and feel the atmosphere of Pomorie.
Arkhangelsk, Russia 06.11.22
Maysky Park on Galushina. Webcams Arkhangelsk
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The Arkhangelsk webcam broadcasts in real time the intersection of Troitsky Prospekt and Voskresenskaya Street. The lens captures a busy car traffic along the road junction, adjacent territories, with public transport stops, shops. Behind you can see a fragment of an amusement park.
Arkhangelsk, Russia 05.11.22
Crossroads of Trinity Avenue and Voskresenskaya Street. Webcams Arkhangelsk
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The Arkhangelsk webcam broadcasts a view of the Malye Korely Museum in real time. This institution is a unique collection of monuments of wooden architecture in the open air. On the territory of 14 hectares there are more than 100 different structures, including chapels, churches, bell towers, estates, mills, ambergris. All of them were built in the 16th - early 20th centuries.
Arkhangelsk, Russia 16.03.22
Museum Small Korely. Webcams Arkhangelsk
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Cathedral of Archangel Michael — built Orthodox Cathedral in Arkhangelsk. The height of the main bell tower of Arkhangelsk — the bell tower of the Cathedral is 70 meters high, the spire of which will crown the image of the Archangel Michael, and under its dome will host a beacon to mariners the path to the capital of Pomerania.
Arkhangelsk, Russia 03.12.17
Cathedral. Arkhangelsk online
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