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Sights of Crimea online

Sights of the Crimean Peninsula In 2014 significantly increased the number of Russian tourist attractions. Crimea was returned to the Treasury of the country a lot of interesting places, monuments, natural and man-made.

The Fortress Of Sevastopol

The age of the city, bearing the name of Sevastopol, more than two millennia. Some of the buildings of the past centuries have survived to our time. The remains of the ancient Chersonese carefully protected by the servants of the Museum. Ruins of buildings allow to speak about solid fortifications which protected the city. On double-row walls stood a lookout tower. Enemies could approach the fortress.


But Chersonesos near Sevastopol there are two more strongholds. Kalamita fortress appeared in the middle ages. It was intended to protect trade routes. High cliffs overlook the road leading from the middle part of the Peninsula to the seaside town. From those times survived a few buildings, including part of the tower and the fortifications, and at the foot of the cliff - caves monastery.

Крепость Каламита

The fortress of Cembalo is another interesting place left by our ancestors. The many wars had destroyed much of the once impregnable fortifications.

Крепость Чембало

Monuments to the heroes

Not just the Crimean territory was subjected to raids by the enemies. "Tidbit" trying to win a. In memory of the defenders of the Russian land, Sevastopol a lot of monuments. Some of them are reminiscent of the Crimean war, the other - on the great Patriotic war.

The heroic defense of Sevastopol presented a panorama. The defenders of the city sank their own ships, blocking the path of the enemy in the harbour. Sunken ships monument on a rock protruding from the depths of the sea. The inspirer and leader of the military events – the Admiral Nakhimov, "carefully watching" the city from its high pedestal.

Панорама Севастополя

Панорама Севастополя

Heroes of the great Patriotic dedicated to the diorama "Storm of Sapun Mountain" and the sculpture of the soldier and sailor. The city has a huge number of beautiful buildings and monuments, squares and gardens. Sorry webcam Sevastopol not able to show all the attractions of the glorious castle.

Диорама «Штурм Сапун-Горы»

Диорама «Штурм Сапун-Горы»

Big Yalta

Yalta is known as resort town since the 19th century. After the Crimean war in the coastal territory began to settle rapidly. It soon became clear that the local climate has a beneficial effect on the human condition. Healthy air coupled with bright sun and warm sea has enabled hundreds of thousands of holidaymakers to improve their health.

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Architectural masterpieces

Rare city in the world is able to compete with Yalta beauty. In this remarkable settlement, which stretches along the coastline for a few tens of kilometers, built a huge number of sanatoriums, boarding houses, private hotels, villas and mansions.

Of special interest are the old buildings. Massandra Palace "grew up" surrounded by dramatic cliffs and majestic grottos. Once it was owned by the tsarist Romanov family. With round towers, balconies, and spires, decorated with sculptures of the Palace resembles a medieval castle.

Массандровский дворец

Taxi from Yalta you can get to Alupka Palace is no less attractive for architecture. And yet the most interesting, significant and distinctive, considered the castle "swallow's nest". The miniature castle can clearly see it by land and sea. He "stuck" to the cliff just like the nests of swallows.

Алупкинский дворец

Parks Of Yalta

Coastal parks is a special world. They grow as the local flora and imported from other regions of the world. Parks and walking paths, leading to natural and artificial reservoirs, to cozy arbors, fountains and sculptures. Park the air is soft and pleasant. It calms the nervous system, inhibits pulmonary disease, fills a person. Even through the lens web camera of Yalta online you can feel the atmosphere of this blossoming resort.

Парки Ялты

The Crimean khanate

The story of the Crimea can not do without a mention of the Crimean khanate. Several centuries ago not only the Peninsula, but also part modern Ukraine belonged to the Crimean Tatars. In our days, the indigenous people settled in the former capital of the khanate – Bakhchisarai.

The most interesting attraction of Bakhchisaray is Khan's Palace. He's the only one in the world built in the style of the Crimean Tatar architecture. The Museum expositions tell about the life and political structure of the Khanate. The fountain of tears, located on the territory of the Palace, sung by the great Pushkin in his poem "the Bakhchisarai fountain".

Ханский дворец

Other interesting places include: the assumption monastery and Chufut Kale (Cave city). Visiting Bakhchisaray tourists the opportunity to taste the dishes of Tatar national cuisine, to take part in a tea ceremony.



Koktebel village gained fame thanks to the quality of the wines and brandies manufactured at the local factory. In place of the modern settlement early settlements were not. Perhaps the reason for this is in the old volcano. On the mountain they found precious stones, including onyx, opal, sardonyx and others. Free access to these resources is prohibited. Rise to the top only to organized groups. You are free to explore the beauty of the village, including webcam Koktebel online.

Near the foot of the volcano is a sea attraction – the Golden gate. Rising from the sea, the rocks formed a kind of arch. Swim under it and take a picture on the background of natural monument considers it his duty to every visitor. It is noticed that in the center of Koktebel by the large pods of dolphins. There are a lot of fish and other marine animals. Perhaps that is why fishing in local waters is prohibited.

Золотые ворота

All the charm of the Crimea impossible to describe. It is hoped that the Peninsula will not lose accumulated wealth. And eventually they will be updated with new, not less interesting exhibits. We, in turn, will regularly add new Webcams Crimea.

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