In the Lithuanian town
Panevezysreigns positive atmosphere of comfort and wellbeing. A special charm to the streets of the city gives numerous monuments of architecture and monumental art. Here have preserved the picturesque buildings of the XIX - beginning of XX century. Give special impression and temple construction. So, one of the oldest buildings of panevėžys is the Evangelical Lutheran Church, which was built in the mid-nineteenth century for the Church of the Duchy of Lithuania. The building is in decorated style. The facades have small Lancet Windows and surmounted by a high tower with a cross. By the way, there is an opinion that the inhabitants of panevėžys for the longest time were pagans. During the baptism of all Lithuanian Principality, the town was on fire altars of the Gentiles. The first Christian Church in Panevezys was built nearly 100 years after the baptism of the state. It was a wooden Church, which gradually acquired a Church school, which existed for over two centuries. Unfortunately, the initial construction of this Church to the present day have not survived. One of the most beautiful temple buildings of this ancient city is the Peter and Paul Church, built in Baroque style nebelenogo of red brick, and has a very impressive look that stands out from the rest of the urban landscape. Unique design features and luxurious decoration of the interior, were given the right to this and still current temple be named a historical monument of local significance. The territory of the Church will fit a large number of monuments, and the old cemetery. Do not forget about the wonderful parks of this town. A large green area located near the banks of the Nevezis river. On a beautiful promenade, which is a hallmark of panevėžys, places for Hiking, benches, many sculptures, pavilions, bridges. Probably the most global of the monument on the promenade is the monument to the Polish king and Great Lithuanian Prince Alexander Jagiellon, who is considered the founder of Panevezys. The sculpted image, the Prince holds in his right hand Peter and Paul Church. After all, this eminent ruler gave to the Abbot Ramygala land for the construction of a Catholic Church, near which gradually expanded the village.