INTAtranslates as "good place". It is a small town in the Komi Republic, which in the mid-twentieth century was a promising and promising industrial centre for the production of thermal coal. The history of the city takes from the 30-ies of the last century, when a team of geologists, under the leadership of I. N. Sorvacheva, these places were discovered rich deposits of coal. Now, since the closure of almost all mines, the town was abandoned. But this does not prevent intizam to love him with all my heart and cherish the memory of his contribution to the history of the country. Most of the local population – the descendants of the repressed political prisoners of the Gulag and Minlag who built this city and develop the local it is mountain-concentrating production. The main symbol and monument of industrial architecture of the fuchuan is
Water tower. Built in the style of Gothic architecture, of red brick, it is topped with a beautiful carved teeth and the steel open-work spire. Here recently, was reconstructed and open a Museum exhibition dedicated to the development of the city and the history of political repression. In the first tier you can see the panorama of fuchuan and information terminals. Above located the monitors broadcasting the images of the barracks, coroner's office, various photos and documents. The exposition is crowned by a watchtower with a soldier. Since 2012, the tower became part of the INTA local history Museum. In the city centre you can also see several historic buildings, decorated with brick ornaments. Next to the buildings and then you can meet cute statues of dwarven miners, in the technique of Kasli casting. A favorite place for walking locals is a pedestrian street, lined with graceful birch, has a large variety of shops. In addition to interesting attractions, the city also has an unusual climate. If since morning the sun shines brightly, and the air temperature warms up to +20, then after dinner you can roam a real snowfall. It is in the Inte may be seen among people walking in a winter coat and a light sundress. Speaking about the nature of fuchuan, it is worth to mention such a beautiful and fascinating phenomenon of the Aurora. This natural wonder is not only featured on the city coat of arms, but also was the name of the tourist train "Siyanie Severa", with cars of high comfort. Center of tourism, the city is difficult to call, but it should be noted that INTA is the starting point for travelers wishing to get to the national Park "Yugyd VA", or raft the upper Kozhim and Balbanyu rivers.