The City Of Ussuriyskis one of the largest settlements in the South-Eastern part of our country. Located near the border with
Chinaand Korea, Vladivostok is situated on the picturesque banks at the confluence of Komarovka and Rakovka Razdolnoe. The history of the city traces its roots to 1866, when this land was created by peasant settlement, named in honor of St. Nicholas – Nikol'skoye. Near Nikolskoye was founded another settlement through which were laid the line of the Great Siberian way. 20 years later, these two villages were merged into the city of Nikolsk, to which was added the prefix Ussuri. After nearly a quarter century, the city was named in honor of the General Voroshilov. A few years after Stalin's death, the city got its present name. The city has several main streets, which are conventionally divide it into districts. In the area called "Slobodka", train station. Between Rakovka and Komarovka is the area of "Mesopotamia", between the Rakovka and the famous Soldier's lake district "Seven winds". In the South-Eastern part of the city is a sugar factory with the same workers settlement. In addition to the plant. Kalinina, in Ussuriysk, which is one of the largest industrial centers of Primorye, also carry out the production activities of enterprises in the manufacturing and food industries, the manufacturer of alcoholic beverages, locomotive repair plant, old furniture factory, the many commercial enterprises and networks. Streets in the Central part of Ussuriisk have their history and many interesting sights. Here is located the city administration, parks, cultural institutions and city's main square. In the historical part of the city extends the so-called "New Arbat", where you can find many old buildings, with lavishly decorated facades, spires, turrets, and other elements inherent in the architecture of the late XIX – early XX century. Here is located the oldest Church of Ussuriysk – the Church of the Intercession of the blessed virgin. The most interesting attraction of the city, which appeared in these lands in the days Jurjansky rulers, is a huge stone tortoise. Now this reptile adorns one of the alleys of a city Park. One of the favorite places to stay in Ussuriysk is the Soldier lake. Among the cultural institutions of the city should note the theater of the Eastern military district Drama theater. Komissarzhevskaya and state circus, which takes tours around the world. The proximity of the Eastern countries was reflected at the city cook. So in Ussuriysk are a large number of Oriental restaurants and sushi bars.