Hawks can surprise and please the entertaining sculptures. An unusual monument-life balance built near the Museum of Vrubel. The balance is good and evil, joy and sorrow, poverty and wealth. Shows the balance of forces in nature, the monument gives reason to reflect on their lives and existence in General. Omsk fortress, the former acting watchtower, which was built for military purposes, defending the line of Siberia. The monument is now restored and free to tour of visits with guides, they all show available and I will explain. On the one side of the fortress is the Bank of the river om, on the other a hole in the ground. Omsk fortress is the cultural heritage
Russian Federationthe age structure is about 300 years. One of the main streets of Omsk was erected monument dedicated to the rescued and tortured children who suffered during the great Patriotic War. The fact that
Omskwas an evacuation center during the war years. Today in the glorious city home to about 260 people. The sculpture depicts frightened children, the most unimaginable conditions of bygone years. Local artisans: sculptor S. Golovachev and architect A. Karimov, has decorated his city with the statue of Dostoevsky. The writer was very purposeful and thoughtful. He hurries on her way, deep in thought. In his right hand we see the book is the gospel. In his later years, Dostoevsky began to believe in God. Being in prison only the Bible was allowed to read. Therefore, the sculptor in this image is depicted by Fyodor Mikhailovich. Decoration of Omsk is the Cathedral of the exaltation of the cross. He survived in the years of revolution and still lives. The walls are painted with beautiful frescoes, the grounds are large and well appointed. On the Cathedral through the alms of the parishioners built a new dome. In the ledgers of the Cathedral there is a record chronicling the power of the help of parishioners of different segments of the population. Ordinary people carried Bibles, icons, crosses, Orthodox teaching literature. People are the best wealth brought alms the gold and silver jewelry, large sums of money from tens of millions of rubles. Also in the temple operates a Sunday school. The Cathedral often come Holy relics. For Example, Mary Magdalene, Anna Of Kashin.